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Updated: Jul 6, 2023

EMFs may impact mold toxicity and mold illness.

Mold is a big problem for a lot of people. For those of us concerned about health, we hear a lot about it, as it’s frequently mentioned in conversation and on social media. You or someone you know has probably dealt with mold, and unfortunately, sometimes the aftermath of that is long-lasting. I am no authority on mold, but I am a professional EMF specialist here to help. What’s the connection between mold and EMF? Why does mold toxicity and EMF sensitivity (not to mention multiple chemical sensitivity) seem to go hand-in-hand? Why is it so important to stay away from EMFs if you’re sensitive to mold (or stay away from mold if you’re sensitive to EMFs)?

Here are a few reasons we can understand from research.

EMF, Mold, and Mast Cells

When you’re affected by mold or sensitive to EMFs, you likely have a huge activation of mast cells. Mast cells play a critical role in our body’s immune response. They detect a threat and work to wipe it out. One job they have is the releasing of histamine. When someone is suffering with mold toxicity, they may have MCAS (mast cell activation syndrome). When these mast cells detect a threat, like mold, your body reacts in ways that makes you feel terrible, potentially for a long time. Once you’re to this point, you may be easily affected by other triggers that didn’t affect you before, such as chemicals and EMF. The symptoms can even overlap. You may be making strides in healing from mold toxicity, yet your symptoms aren’t improving. This may be because you’ve also developed EHS (electromagnetic hypersensitivity) or EMF sensitivity.

EMF: Mast Cell Impact

EMFs have been shown to increase the size, count, rate, migration, and infiltration of mast cells. This may lead to the development of EMF sensitivity, but it also may lead to more severe reactions to mold. This means EMFs may fuel worsening mold symptoms.

EMF: Mold Growth and Mycotoxins

Mold and yeast have been shown to grow faster in the presence of EMF. In one study, mold grew 600 times more in the presence of EMF than the control without EMFs present. This is significant for people dealing with and healing from mold toxicity. EMFs have also been shown to release mycotoxins (bad news)! Having high EMFs in your home may actually increase the mold toxicity in your body (or what’s growing behind your walls).

EMFs and the Immune System

EMFs can disrupt the immune system. They have been shown not only to increase inflammation, often leading to chronic inflammation, but they have also been shown to disrupt gut health. This is impactful enough, but throw mold and chemicals into the equation and you may have a cycle that’s difficult to conquer.

Reducing Your Toxic Load

If you or someone you know is ill from mold, please share this information. Building Biologists specializing in EMFs are here solely to help you reduce the EMF in your life – especially your home, and even more so your sleeping area. With professional meters, we assess all 4 EMFs, identifying the weak spots, and informing you how to mitigate or mitigating them for you. Contact Evergreen EMF today!


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